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This Statement also answers specific questions that you may have regarding the privacy and security of collected data. This Statement is addressed to individuals with whom we interact, including visitors or users of our websites, applications (web or mobile), or online products and services; current and prospective customers; management and personnel of corporate customers and vendors; management and personnel of authorized dealerships and distributors; visitors to our facilities, museums, and attractions; and other recipients of our products and services. We refer to individuals whose Personal Data is Processed as 'you' in this Statement. Personal Data is shared with members of the John Deere Group. A list of members belonging to the John Deere Group is available here and within the Binding Corporate Rules. Members belonging to the John Deere Group may jointly Process Personal Data in certain circumstances. Country or product-specific privacy supplements may apply to the Processing of Personal Data in relation to specific products or services offered by John Deere that may generally require Processing of additional categories of Personal Data or Processing for different purposes. John Deere products and services are distributed through a network of authorized dealers and distributors. The majority of these authorized dealers and distributors are independently owned and operated businesses that may have their own privacy statements.", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Statement"}, "es": {"privacy_text": "ESP Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "zh-cn": {"privacy_text": "CHINA Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "de": {"privacy_text": "DE Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "fr": {"privacy_text": "FR Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "it": {"privacy_text": "IT Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "ja": {"privacy_text": "JP Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "nl": {"privacy_text": "NL Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "fi": {"privacy_text": "FI Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [fi]"}, "pl": {"privacy_text": "PL Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [pl]"}, "uk": {"privacy_text": "UK Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [uk]"}, "sv": {"privacy_text": "SV Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [sv]"}, "he": {"privacy_text": "HE Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [he]"}, "pt-br": {"privacy_text": "BR Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}}, "custom_html": {"en": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "es": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Utilizamos cookies para mejorar su experiencia en este sitio web. <a href='https://www.deere.es/es/privacidad-y-protecci%C3%B3n-de-datos/pol%C3%ADtica-de-cookies/' title='Deere | Pol\u00edtica de cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lea nuestra pol\u00edtica de cookies</a>"}, "zh-cn": {"EEO_text": "<h2>\u7ea6\u7ff0\u8fea\u5c14\u662f\u5e73\u7b49\u673a\u4f1a\u96c7\u4e3b</h2>", "cookie_statement": "\u6211\u4eec\u4f7f\u7528 cookie \u6765\u6539\u5584\u60a8\u5728\u672c\u7f51\u7ad9\u4e0a\u7684\u4f53\u9a8c\u3002<a href='https://www.deere.com.cn/zh/%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E5%8F%8A%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE/cookie%E5%A3%B0%E6%98%8E/' title='Deere | Cookie \u58f0\u660e' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; 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text-decoration: underline;}'>Lire notre gestion des cookies</a>"}, "it": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u00e8 un datore di lavoro per le pari opportunit\u00e0</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Utilizziamo i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza su questo sito. <a href='https://www.deere.it/it/privacy-e-dati/politica-sui-cookie/' title='Deere | Politica sui cookie' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Leggi la nostra politica sui cookie</a>"}, "ja": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u306f\u6a5f\u4f1a\u5747\u7b49\u96c7\u7528\u4e3b\u3067\u3059</h2>", "cookie_statement": "\u3053\u306e\u30b5\u30a4\u30c8\u3067\u306e\u30a8\u30af\u30b9\u30da\u30ea\u30a8\u30f3\u30b9\u3092\u5411\u4e0a\u3055\u305b\u308b\u305f\u3081\u306b Cookie \u3092\u4f7f\u7528\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002 <a href='https://www.deere.asia/ja/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | \u30af\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc\u306b\u95a2\u3059\u308b\u58f0\u660e' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>\u30af\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc\u3092\u304a\u8aad\u307f\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044</a>"}, "nl": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is een werkgever die gelijke kansen biedt</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We gebruiken cookies om uw ervaring op deze site te verbeteren. <a href='https://www.deere.nl/nl/privacy-en-data/cookieinstellingen/' title='Deere | Cookieverklaring' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lees onze cookieverklaring</a>"}, "fi": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere on yht\u00e4l\u00e4isten mahdollisuuksien ty\u00f6nantaja</h2>", "cookie_statement": "K\u00e4yt\u00e4mme ev\u00e4steit\u00e4 parantaaksemme k\u00e4ytt\u00f6kokemustasi t\u00e4ll\u00e4 verkkosivustolla. <a href='https://www.deere.fi/fi/tietoturvak%C3%A4yt%C3%A4nt%C3%B6/ev%C3%A4steet/' title='Deere | Ev\u00e4stelausunto' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lue ev\u00e4steilmoituksemme</a>"}, "pl": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere jest pracodawc\u0105 stosuj\u0105cym zasad\u0119 r\u00f3wnych szans</h2>", "cookie_statement": "U\u017cywamy plik\u00f3w cookie, aby poprawi\u0107 Twoje wra\u017cenia z korzystania z tej witryny. <a href='https://www.deere.pl/pl/ochrona-prywatno%C5%9Bci/o%C5%9Bwiadczenie-o-plikach-cookie/' title='Deere | O\u015bwiadczenie o plikach cookie' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Przeczytaj nasz\u0105 polityk\u0119 dotycz\u0105c\u0105 plik\u00f3w cookie</a>"}, "uk": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "sv": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u00e4r en arbetsgivare f\u00f6r lika m\u00f6jligheter</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Vi anv\u00e4nder cookies f\u00f6r att f\u00f6rb\u00e4ttra din upplevelse p\u00e5 denna webbplats. <a href='https://www.deere.se/sv/sekretesspolicy-och-data/cookies-inst%C3%A4llningar/' title='Deere | Cookiepolicy' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>L\u00e4s v\u00e5r cookiepolicy</a>"}, "he": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "pt-br": {"EEO_text": "<h2>A John Deere \u00e9 um empregador de oportunidades iguais</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Usamos cookies para melhorar sua experi\u00eancia neste site. <a href='https://www.deere.com.br/pt/privacidade-e-dados/pol%C3%ADtica-de-cookies/' title='Deere | Pol\u00edtica de Cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Leia nossa pol\u00edtica de cookies</a>"}, "fr-ca": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere est un employeur garantissant l'\u00e9galit\u00e9 des chances</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Nous utilisons des cookies pour am\u00e9liorer votre exp\u00e9rience sur ce site. <a href='https://www.deere.ca/fr/protection-des-donn%C3%A9es-priv%C3%A9es/gestion-des-cookies/' title='Deere | Gestion des cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lire notre gestion des cookies</a>"}}}, "custom_style": {"css": "@font-face {font-family: jd_sans_probold; src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/johndeere-sandbox/1657198486::JDSansPro-Bold.png');format('woff2');} html *:not(.fa):not(.far):not(.fas):not(.fal):not(.fab):not(.footable) :not(get-matched-button):not(.fooicon):not(.footable-sort-indicator) { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important;} /*test specificity increase*/ div.apply .header-wrapper .fixed-top .navbar, .all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header, .candidate-login-link, .candidate-login-link h1, btn-primary get-matched-button { font-family: 'jd_sans_probold' !important;} /* end test*/ .reset-filters, .back-to-all-jobs, .perk-icon, .advanced-options-button {color: #FFFFFF !important;} .fa-share, .fa-share:hover, .advanced-options-button:hover, .back-to-all-jobs:hover {color: #EACB00 !important;}.remove-from-job-cart-button, .remove-from-job-cart-button:hover {color: #000000 !important;}.btn-secondary { background-color: #FFDE00 !important;border-color: #FFDE00 !important; 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Quality. Humanity. Commitment Innovation. These are our values and not only what we stand by but what we stand for. We believe in empowering people. We create and deliver solutions. We give back to community. We think differently and we do it better. Our innovative spirit has driven us to continually evolve and deliver solutions to our dealers and our community and made us a business that our people are proud of and proud to work for. At John Deere Financial, you'll make what isn't possible today, tomorrow's reality. Our financial products and services are helping our key partners secure the best innovative technology and products to enable others to be smarter about how they use the land. Working with the latest technology, collaborating with the best and brightest in the field, expanding your knowledge and honing your skills-all are key components of the John Deere team. Why Join Us? At John Deere Financial, you are empowered to create a career that will take you to where you want to go. Here, you'll enjoy the support to think outside the box and the advanced tools and technology that foster innovation and achievement. We are a Global company that truly values its people and provides a broad range of benefits which include a competitive remuneration package, flexible working, social activities, health and safety programs and ongoing training and development opportunities along with other Benefits like- Friendly and inclusive company culture where wellbeing of our employees is at the forefront of everything we do. A mature outlook on flexible work arrangements which allows you to truly balance work and life. Professional Development (Higher Education, Training & Memberships) 14.5% Super if you choose to go with John Deere Mercer Super Plan Paid Parental leave - 16 Weeks for new parents Annual Leave loading Purchase Leave & Paid Community Leave We embrace and strive for a workforce that is as diverse, talented and passionate as the communities in which we live and operate, and to provide a workplace where people feel included, valued and supported. We welcome applications from all backgrounds and believe that by understanding and respecting each other's differences we will perform at our best! Position: Retail Collections Officer Job Grade: 05 Hiring Manager: Mark Saunders The Opportunity At John Deere Financial (JDF), we believe in building strong customer relationships throughout the lifecycle of our services. We are seeking a dedicated Retail Collections Officer to join our Collections team. In this role, you will focus on understanding customer requirements and resolving past due accounts while providing exceptional service. Your proactive approach will help identify patterns and issues, driving collaboration for process and system improvements. Role Objectives: Maintain effective relationships with retail customers and our dealership network by addressing their account needs throughout the loan lifecycle. Collect past due accounts, including advanced past dues, using effective telephone negotiation techniques to preserve lender/customer relationships. Evaluate customer credit reports, analyze past payment habits, and assess the validity of customer information statements. Respond to and resolve complex escalated service issues and requests. Approve deferrals, contract rewrites, refinances, novations, and substitutions within prescribed guidelines. Ensure compliance with JDF's Due Diligence and AML requirements. Coordinate repossession of equipment with Area Sales Managers, John Deere dealers, or repossession vendors, and manage the sale of repossessed equipment in conjunction with dealers and auction houses. Assist in coordinating collection activities with appropriate dealer and company personnel to protect JDF assets and take the correct course of action. Provide backup and support for other customer-related tasks as required by the department. Assist in problem-solving, training, and mentoring less experienced team members. Identify process improvement opportunities to enhance the overall Customer and Dealer Experience. Undertake various other duties, including special projects as needed. About You You are a self-motivated, results-focused individual with a keen attention to detail. In addition, you have: Advanced collections skills with a strong background in credit assessment. Basic to advanced credit skills and understanding of credit underwriting. Proven negotiation experience and customer relationship management. Solid attention to detail and a results-focused mindset. Self-motivated and able to work independently. Previous collections experience is essential. Basic understanding of accounting principles (e.g., journals). Quick learner who is well organized and proactive. Ability to identify and implement process improvements effectively. If you have the experience outlined above, and the passion to succeed, we would love to hear from you! Please click the 'APPLY' button now and send through your resume and cover letter detailing your previous relevant experience and why you are the perfect candidate for our team. Applications for this position will close at close of business January 13, 2025 Note: Appropriate work authorisations are required in this country prior to application. John Deere believes in the power of diversity in the workforce and we and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. John Deere Australia is proud to be recognised by Diversity Council Australia Ltd as an Inclusive Employer for three consecutive years: 2021- 2024 John Deere is proud to collaborate with WORK180- an international jobs network that connects smart businesses with talented women.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.deere.com/careers/job/137464972828", "isPrivate": false}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "137464972828"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "chatbot": false, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsApplyFormV2Enabled": true, "isPcsBrandingApril2023Enabled": false, "allowedFileTypes": {"resume": {"acceptedFileTypes": [".docx", ".pdf"], "fileTypesText": "docx or pdf"}}, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "hideDepartment": null, "pcsOctupleMigration0Enabled": true, "pcsOctupleMigration1Enabled": false, "replaceUrlOnGoBack": true, "pcsRedesignedNuxEnabled": true, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "userActivityTimeout": 86400000, "userActivityTimeoutEnabled": 1, "isLoggedInPcsEnabled": true, "sortByConfig": null, "searchBoxConfig": {}, "excludePrivatePositions": true, "eeocFilterKeywords": ["veteran", "disability", "gender", "race", "citizen", "visa", "ethnicity"], "disableScrollLoadPositionSidebar": false, "locationFlexibilityFrontendEnabled": false, "workLocationOptionFrontendEnabled": true, "remoteFlexibleJobsFilterEnabled": false, "loggedOutNotificationsEnabled": true, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=johndeere.com", "title": "What's next? 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