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This Statement also answers specific questions that you may have regarding the privacy and security of collected data. This Statement is addressed to individuals with whom we interact, including visitors or users of our websites, applications (web or mobile), or online products and services; current and prospective customers; management and personnel of corporate customers and vendors; management and personnel of authorized dealerships and distributors; visitors to our facilities, museums, and attractions; and other recipients of our products and services. We refer to individuals whose Personal Data is Processed as 'you' in this Statement. Personal Data is shared with members of the John Deere Group. A list of members belonging to the John Deere Group is available here and within the Binding Corporate Rules. Members belonging to the John Deere Group may jointly Process Personal Data in certain circumstances. Country or product-specific privacy supplements may apply to the Processing of Personal Data in relation to specific products or services offered by John Deere that may generally require Processing of additional categories of Personal Data or Processing for different purposes. John Deere products and services are distributed through a network of authorized dealers and distributors. The majority of these authorized dealers and distributors are independently owned and operated businesses that may have their own privacy statements."}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"privacy": {"en": {"privacy_text": "This Privacy Statement explains how John Deere and its controlled affiliates Process Personal Data. This Statement also answers specific questions that you may have regarding the privacy and security of collected data. This Statement is addressed to individuals with whom we interact, including visitors or users of our websites, applications (web or mobile), or online products and services; current and prospective customers; management and personnel of corporate customers and vendors; management and personnel of authorized dealerships and distributors; visitors to our facilities, museums, and attractions; and other recipients of our products and services. We refer to individuals whose Personal Data is Processed as 'you' in this Statement. Personal Data is shared with members of the John Deere Group. A list of members belonging to the John Deere Group is available here and within the Binding Corporate Rules. Members belonging to the John Deere Group may jointly Process Personal Data in certain circumstances. Country or product-specific privacy supplements may apply to the Processing of Personal Data in relation to specific products or services offered by John Deere that may generally require Processing of additional categories of Personal Data or Processing for different purposes. John Deere products and services are distributed through a network of authorized dealers and distributors. The majority of these authorized dealers and distributors are independently owned and operated businesses that may have their own privacy statements.", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Statement"}, "es": {"privacy_text": "ESP Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "zh-cn": {"privacy_text": "CHINA Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "de": {"privacy_text": "DE Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "fr": {"privacy_text": "FR Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "it": {"privacy_text": "IT Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "ja": {"privacy_text": "JP Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "nl": {"privacy_text": "NL Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}, "fi": {"privacy_text": "FI Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [fi]"}, "pl": {"privacy_text": "PL Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [pl]"}, "uk": {"privacy_text": "UK Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [uk]"}, "sv": {"privacy_text": "SV Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [sv]"}, "he": {"privacy_text": "HE Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy [he]"}, "pt-br": {"privacy_text": "BR Data Privacy Policy", "privacy_button": "Agree", "privacy_title": "Data Privacy Policy"}}, "custom_html": {"en": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "es": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Utilizamos cookies para mejorar su experiencia en este sitio web. <a href='https://www.deere.es/es/privacidad-y-protecci%C3%B3n-de-datos/pol%C3%ADtica-de-cookies/' title='Deere | Pol\u00edtica de cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lea nuestra pol\u00edtica de cookies</a>"}, "zh-cn": {"EEO_text": "<h2>\u7ea6\u7ff0\u8fea\u5c14\u662f\u5e73\u7b49\u673a\u4f1a\u96c7\u4e3b</h2>", "cookie_statement": "\u6211\u4eec\u4f7f\u7528 cookie \u6765\u6539\u5584\u60a8\u5728\u672c\u7f51\u7ad9\u4e0a\u7684\u4f53\u9a8c\u3002<a href='https://www.deere.com.cn/zh/%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81%E5%8F%8A%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE/cookie%E5%A3%B0%E6%98%8E/' title='Deere | Cookie \u58f0\u660e' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; 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text-decoration: underline;}'>Lire notre gestion des cookies</a>"}, "it": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u00e8 un datore di lavoro per le pari opportunit\u00e0</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Utilizziamo i cookie per migliorare la tua esperienza su questo sito. <a href='https://www.deere.it/it/privacy-e-dati/politica-sui-cookie/' title='Deere | Politica sui cookie' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Leggi la nostra politica sui cookie</a>"}, "ja": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u306f\u6a5f\u4f1a\u5747\u7b49\u96c7\u7528\u4e3b\u3067\u3059</h2>", "cookie_statement": "\u3053\u306e\u30b5\u30a4\u30c8\u3067\u306e\u30a8\u30af\u30b9\u30da\u30ea\u30a8\u30f3\u30b9\u3092\u5411\u4e0a\u3055\u305b\u308b\u305f\u3081\u306b Cookie \u3092\u4f7f\u7528\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002 <a href='https://www.deere.asia/ja/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | \u30af\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc\u306b\u95a2\u3059\u308b\u58f0\u660e' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>\u30af\u30c3\u30ad\u30fc\u30dd\u30ea\u30b7\u30fc\u3092\u304a\u8aad\u307f\u304f\u3060\u3055\u3044</a>"}, "nl": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is een werkgever die gelijke kansen biedt</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We gebruiken cookies om uw ervaring op deze site te verbeteren. <a href='https://www.deere.nl/nl/privacy-en-data/cookieinstellingen/' title='Deere | Cookieverklaring' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lees onze cookieverklaring</a>"}, "fi": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere on yht\u00e4l\u00e4isten mahdollisuuksien ty\u00f6nantaja</h2>", "cookie_statement": "K\u00e4yt\u00e4mme ev\u00e4steit\u00e4 parantaaksemme k\u00e4ytt\u00f6kokemustasi t\u00e4ll\u00e4 verkkosivustolla. <a href='https://www.deere.fi/fi/tietoturvak%C3%A4yt%C3%A4nt%C3%B6/ev%C3%A4steet/' title='Deere | Ev\u00e4stelausunto' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lue ev\u00e4steilmoituksemme</a>"}, "pl": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere jest pracodawc\u0105 stosuj\u0105cym zasad\u0119 r\u00f3wnych szans</h2>", "cookie_statement": "U\u017cywamy plik\u00f3w cookie, aby poprawi\u0107 Twoje wra\u017cenia z korzystania z tej witryny. <a href='https://www.deere.pl/pl/ochrona-prywatno%C5%9Bci/o%C5%9Bwiadczenie-o-plikach-cookie/' title='Deere | O\u015bwiadczenie o plikach cookie' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Przeczytaj nasz\u0105 polityk\u0119 dotycz\u0105c\u0105 plik\u00f3w cookie</a>"}, "uk": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "sv": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere \u00e4r en arbetsgivare f\u00f6r lika m\u00f6jligheter</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Vi anv\u00e4nder cookies f\u00f6r att f\u00f6rb\u00e4ttra din upplevelse p\u00e5 denna webbplats. <a href='https://www.deere.se/sv/sekretesspolicy-och-data/cookies-inst%C3%A4llningar/' title='Deere | Cookiepolicy' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>L\u00e4s v\u00e5r cookiepolicy</a>"}, "he": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere is an Equal Opportunity Employer</h2>", "cookie_statement": "We use cookies to improve your experience on this site. <a href='https://www.deere.com/en/privacy-and-data/cookie-statement/' title='Deere | Cookie Statement' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Read our Cookie Statement</a>"}, "pt-br": {"EEO_text": "<h2>A John Deere \u00e9 um empregador de oportunidades iguais</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Usamos cookies para melhorar sua experi\u00eancia neste site. <a href='https://www.deere.com.br/pt/privacidade-e-dados/pol%C3%ADtica-de-cookies/' title='Deere | Pol\u00edtica de Cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Leia nossa pol\u00edtica de cookies</a>"}, "fr-ca": {"EEO_text": "<h2>John Deere est un employeur garantissant l'\u00e9galit\u00e9 des chances</h2>", "cookie_statement": "Nous utilisons des cookies pour am\u00e9liorer votre exp\u00e9rience sur ce site. <a href='https://www.deere.ca/fr/protection-des-donn%C3%A9es-priv%C3%A9es/gestion-des-cookies/' title='Deere | Gestion des cookies' target='_blank' style='color: #fff; !important; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: underline;}'>Lire notre gestion des cookies</a>"}}}, "custom_style": {"css": "@font-face {font-family: jd_sans_probold; src: url('https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/johndeere-sandbox/1657198486::JDSansPro-Bold.png');format('woff2');} html *:not(.fa):not(.far):not(.fas):not(.fal):not(.fab):not(.footable) :not(get-matched-button):not(.fooicon):not(.footable-sort-indicator) { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important;} /*test specificity increase*/ div.apply .header-wrapper .fixed-top .navbar, .all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header.all-positions-header, .candidate-login-link, .candidate-login-link h1, btn-primary get-matched-button { font-family: 'jd_sans_probold' !important;} /* end test*/ .reset-filters, .back-to-all-jobs, .perk-icon, .advanced-options-button {color: #FFFFFF !important;} .fa-share, .fa-share:hover, .advanced-options-button:hover, .back-to-all-jobs:hover {color: #EACB00 !important;}.remove-from-job-cart-button, .remove-from-job-cart-button:hover {color: #000000 !important;}.btn-secondary { background-color: #FFDE00 !important;border-color: #FFDE00 !important; 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The arrangement may be delayed for training or other job acclimation purposes and remains subject to change. As a Staff Software Engineer for Intelligent Solutions Group located in Moline, IL, you will: - Manage a team to build and support production oriented machine learning systems and high performance data pipelines that are efficient and reliable with robust monitoring. - Contribute to the development of next-generation data structures and APIs that enable secure, performant, cost effective access to data for research, model development, and ML production systems. - Collaborate and communicate closely with data scientists and engineers to identify and build needed infrastructure, tools, and libraries to support machine learning algorithms. - Provide code reviews and technical guidance to other members of the team. VISA Sponsorship is NOT Available for this position - 5 or more years of software engineering experience - 3 or more years of experience building and supporting mission critical, global, production-scale, cloud-based systems using Amazon Web Services (AWS) or relevant cloud technologies - Experience with MLOps or deploying data science models in a production environment - Demonstrated ability to architect and build large scale processing pipelines - Experience designing and implementing geospatial data structures, analysis systems, and visualizations - Strong coding skills in Python and additional experience with C++, Java, and/or Scala - Demonstrated experience with infrastructure-as-code, automation, monitoring, and a DevOps mindset - A solid foundation in computer science, particularly with algorithm development - Strong analytic skills with high attention to detail and accuracy - An ability to inform and influence others through your strong communication skillls What Makes You Standout - Experience with machine learning techniques or tools - Expertise with geospatial, IoT, or high frequency unstructured data sets - Sense of ownership, curiosity, and ability to function in a fast paced, collaborative team environment that is distributed across various time zones and locations - Experience with Spark, Databricks, or AWS Sagemaker - Experience working with GDAL or similar spatial libraries - Advanced degree, engineering or computer science preferred Ideally you will have a degree or equivalent related work experience in the following: - Bachelor's degree in an Engineering, Computer Science or Technology related discipline, or equivalent experience What You'll Get Here, you'll enjoy the freedom to explore new projects, the support to think outside the box and the advanced tools and technology that foster innovation and achievement. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive reward package to help you get started on your new career path, including: Flexible work arrangements Highly competitive base pay and performance bonuses Savings & Retirement benefits (401K and Defined Contribution) Healthcare benefits with a generous company contribution in the Health Savings Account Adoption assistance Employee Assistance Programs Tuition assistance Fitness subsidies and on-site gyms at specific Deere locations Charitable contribution match Employee Purchase Plan & numerous discount programs for personal use", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.deere.com/careers/job/137465231552", "isPrivate": false}], "isFallback": true, "debug": {}, "count": 1, "personal_message": "We thought you would be interested in this position.", "scheduling": {"minTime": 9, "limit": 10, "maxTime": 17, "increments": 60, "minTimeslots": 3}, "userTitles": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "137465231552"}, "singleview": true, "see_all_jobs": true, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "chatbot": false, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsApplyFormV2Enabled": true, "isPcsBrandingApril2023Enabled": false, "allowedFileTypes": {"resume": {"acceptedFileTypes": [".docx", ".pdf"], "fileTypesText": "docx or pdf"}}, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "hideDepartment": null, "pcsOctupleMigration0Enabled": true, "pcsOctupleMigration1Enabled": false, "replaceUrlOnGoBack": true, "pcsRedesignedNuxEnabled": true, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "userActivityTimeout": 86400000, "userActivityTimeoutEnabled": 1, "isLoggedInPcsEnabled": true, "sortByConfig": null, "searchBoxConfig": {}, "excludePrivatePositions": true, "eeocFilterKeywords": ["veteran", "disability", "gender", "race", "citizen", "visa", "ethnicity"], "disableScrollLoadPositionSidebar": false, "locationFlexibilityFrontendEnabled": false, "workLocationOptionFrontendEnabled": true, "remoteFlexibleJobsFilterEnabled": false, "loggedOutNotificationsEnabled": true, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=johndeere.com", "title": "What's next? 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